
CCaarree aanndd CClleeaanniinngg
EEnneerrggyy SSaavviinngg TTiippss ((ccoonntt))
• Be sure your doors are closing securely by leveling refrigerator as
instructed in your installation instructions.
• Clean condenser coils as indicated in the cleaning instructions every
three months. This will increase energy efficiency and cooling
RReeppllaacciinngg LLiigghhtt BBuullbbss
To avoid electrical shock which
can cause severe personal injury
or death, disconnect power to
refrigerator before replacing light
bulb. After replacing light bulb,
connect power.
To avoid personal injury or
property damage, observe the
• Allow light bulb to cool
Wear gloves when replacing
light bulb
UUppppeerr RReeffrriiggeerraattoorr CCoommppaarrttmmeenntt
The upper refrigerator light bulbs are located behind the front panel.
Reach behind the panel to remove the bulbs.
LLoowweerr RReeffrriiggeerraattoorr CCoommppaarrttmmeenntt
• Push up on bottom tabs on light cover. Rotate cover
up and release tabs.
• Remove light bulb.
• Replace with appliance bulbs
nnoo ggrreeaatteerr tthhaann 4400 wwaattttss..
• Insert top tabs of light cover into liner slots and snap
bottom tabs into liner slots.
UUppppeerr FFrreeeezzeerr CCoommppaarrttmmeenntt
• Remove ice bin by lifting front of bin and
pulling out.
• Remove light shield by pressing the upper
right side of the shield and rotating downward.
• Remove light bulb. Replace bulb with appliance bulb
nnoo ggrreeaatteerr tthhaann
4400 wwaattttss..
• Rotate the shield upward, press slightly and snap into place.
• Replace ice bin by sliding in until bin locks into place.
CCaarree aanndd CClleeaanniinngg
RReemmoovviinngg OOddoorrss FFrroomm RReeffrriiggeerraattoorr
• Remove all food and turn the refrigerator OFF.
• Disconnect power to the refrigerator.
• Clean the walls, floor, ceiling of cabinet interior, drawers, shelves and
gaskets according to the instructions (see page 29).
• Dilute mild detergent and brush solution into crevices using a plastic
bristle brush. Let stand for five minutes. Rinse surfaces with warm water.
Dry surfaces with a soft, clean cloth.
• Wash and dry all bottles, containers and jars. Discard spoiled or expired
• Wrap or store odor-causing foods in tightly sealed containers to prevent
recurring odors.
• Reconnect power to refrigerator and return food to refrigerator.
• Allow the refrigerator to cool.
• After 24 hours, check if odor has been eliminated.
IIff ooddoorr iiss ssttiillll pprreesseenntt::
• Remove drawers and place on top shelf of refrigerator.
• Pack refrigerator and freezer sections – including doors – with crumpled
sheets of black and white newspaper.
• Place charcoal briquettes randomly on crumpled newspaper in both
freezer and refrigerator compartments.
• Close doors and let stand 24 to 48 hours.
EEnneerrggyy SSaavviinngg TTiippss
• Avoid overcrowding refrigerator shelves. This reduces air circulation
around food and causes refrigerator to run longer.
• Avoid adding too much warm food to refrigerator at one time. This
overloads compartments and slows rate of cooling.
• Do not use aluminum foil, wax paper, or paper toweling as shelf liners.
This decreases air flow and causes refrigerator to run less efficiently.
• A freezer that is two-thirds full runs most efficiently.
• Locate refrigerator in coolest part of room. Avoid areas of direct
sunlight, or near heating ducts, registers or other heat producing
appliances. If this is not possible, isolate exterior by using a section of
cabinet or an added layer of insulation.
• Clean door gaskets every three months according to cleaning
instructions. This will assure that door seals properly and refrigerator
runs efficiently.
• Take time to organize items in refrigerator to reduce time that door is