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Brigade ranges are equipped with an exclusive restaurant
style sealed burner system. This unique burner system
is equipped with 23,000 BTU burners on the front and
15,000 BTU burners in the rear.
The 23,000 BTU front burners are designed to provide
extra high heat output, especially when using large pans,
and should be used for boiling large quantities or if you
need to bring something to a boil quickly. While the high
output 23,000 BTU burners have the extra power needed
to bring large quantities of liquid to a boil rapidly, they
are also able to be turned down low enough to provide
a very low and delicate simmer making this the most
versatile burner system on the market.
Lighting Burners
All burners are ignited
by electric ignition.
There are no open-fl ame,
“standing” pilots.
Surface Burners-
Automatic Re-ignition
To light the surface
burners, push and turn
the appropriate control
knob counter clockwise
to any position. This
control is both a gas
valve and an electric
switch. Burners will
ignite at any “ON”
position with the
automatic re-ignition
system. If the fl ame goes
out for any reason,
the burners will
automatically reignite
if the gas is still fl owing. When gas is permitted to fl ow
to the burners, the electric igniters start sparking. On
all surface igniters you should hear a “clicking” sound. If
you do not, turn off the control and check that the unit
is plugged in and that the fuse or circuit breaker is not
blown or tripped.
Within a few moments, enough gas will have traveled
to the burner to light. When the burner lights, turn the
burner control to any position to adjust the fl ame size.
Setting the proper fl ame height for the desired cooking
process and selecting the correct cooking vessel will
result in superior cooking performance, while also saving
ime and energy.
Simmering is a cooking technique in which foods are
cooked in hot liquids kept at or just barely below the
boiling point of water. Simmering ensures gentler
treatment than boiling to prevent food from toughening
and/or breaking up. The size of the pan and the volume
of food can have a signifi cant eff ect on how high or low
a fl ame is needed for simmering. For this reason, Viking
range and rangetop burners are engineered with a
Vari-Simmer setting. The Vari-Simmer setting is not just
one simmer setting, but provides a variable range of
simmer settings. This variable range of simmer settings
allows you to adjust the fl ame height to achieve the best
simmer depending on the type and quantity of food
being simmered. It is this ability that makes the Vari-
Simmer setting the most accurate and trustworthy
simmer on the market.
Surface Cooking Tips
• Use low or medium fl ame heights when cooking in
vessels that are poor conductors of heat, such as glass,
ceramic, and cast-iron. Reduce the fl ame height until
it covers approximately 1/3 of the cooking vessel
diameter. This will ensure more even heating within
the cooking vessel and reduce the likelihood of
burning or scorching the food.
• Reduce the fl ame if it is extending beyond the bottom
of the cooking vessel. A fl ame that extends along the
sides of the vessel is potentially dangerous, heats the
utensil handle and kitchen instead of the food, and
wastes energy.
• Reduce the fl ame height to the minimum level
necessary to perform the desired cooking process.
Remember that food cooks just as quickly at a gentle
boil as it does at a rolling boil. Maintaining a higher boil
than is necessary wastes energy, cooks away moisture,
and causes a loss in food fl avor and nutrient level.
• The minimum pot or pan (vessel) diameter
recommended is 6” (15 cm). Use of pots or pans as
small as 4” (10 cm) is possible but not recommended.
Surface Operation
Heat Setting Use
Simmer Melting small quantities
Steaming rice
Simmering sauces
Low Melting large quantities
Medium Low Low-temperature frying (eggs, etc.)
Simmering large quantities
Heating milk, cream sauces, gravies,
and puddings
Medium Sauteing and browning, braising,
and pan-frying
Maintaining slow boil on large
Medium High High-temperature frying
Pan broiling
Maintaining fast boil on large
High Boiling water quickly
Deep-fat frying in large utensil
*Note: The above information is given as a guide only.
You may need to vary the heat settings to suit your personal
Food Temp (°F) Temp (°C)
Eggs 250 - 300 121 - 149
Bacon 300 - 325 149 - 163
Pancakes 375- 400 191 - 205
French toast 400 205
Fish fi llets 300 149
Hamburger 350 177
Steaks 400 177
Cooking Vessels
Each cook has his or her own
preference for the particular
cooking vessels that are most
appropriate for the type of
cooking being done. Any
and all cooking vessels are
suitable for use in the range
and it is not necessary to
replace your present
domestic vessels with commercial cookware. This is a
matter of personal choice. As with any cookware, yours
should be in good condition and free from excessive
dents on the bottom to provide maximum
performance and convenience.
Note: When using big pots and/or high fl ames, it is
recommended to use the front burners. There is more room
in the front and potential cleanup at rear of appliance due
to staining or discoloration will be minimized.
Griddle/Simmer Plate
(on applicable models)
The optional 15,000 BTU
griddle is constructed of
stainless steel and is
uniquely designed to off er
excellent cooking
performance as well as
easy clean up. The griddle is equipped with an electronic
thermostat to maintain an even temperature across the
griddle once the desired temperature has been set. The
griddle has a power “ON” indicator light which glows
when the griddle thermostat has been turned on. This
will cycle on and off as needed to indicate the thermostat
is maintaining the selected temperature.
Seasoning the Griddle Before the First Use
• Scrub the griddle plate with a mixture of one quart
warm water and 1/4 cup white vinegar, using a blue
Scotch-Brite™ pad. Dry thoroughly.
• Wash griddle with warm, soapy water. Rinse off and dry
• Season griddle by thinly coating the surface with ap-
proximately 1⁄2 to 1 teaspoon unsalted vegetable oil.
Apply to entire griddle using a paper towel or clean
cloth. Let oil sit on griddle for approximately 1 hour
and then wipe with a clean cloth or paper towel to
absorb any residual oil. The griddle is now ready to be
Griddle/Simmer Plate Operation
• Turn the griddle control knob counterclockwise to
the desired temperature setting. The power “ON”
indicator light will glow indicating the griddle
thermostat is on.
• When the griddle has reached the desired
temperature, the power “ON” indicator light will turn
“OFF” indicating the griddle is preheated to the
selected temperature.
• Routinely scrape loose food particles with a spatula
during cooking to make the clean-up easier and to
avoid the particles mixing with the food.
Surface Operation