(1) Light Control - Push once to turn light on. Push again to turn lights
off. Rotate clockwise to increase light intensity and counterclockwise
to decrease light intensity. Light setting will stay the same when
turned on or off.
(2) Fan Control - Push once to turn blower on. Push again to turn blower
off. Rotate clockwise to increase blower speed and counterclockwise
to decrease blower speed.
(3) Digital Display - Remains blank while timer/delay functions are not in
use. Displays desired set time which is set by either the set button or
delay function button. Upon reaching 00:00, the buzzer will sound
and will continue to beep every 10 seconds up to 5 minutes.
(4) Delay Function - Pushing this button once will automatically set the
digital display to 10 minutes. Pushing again will go to 20 minutes and
so forth up to 30 minutes. The blower will activate and the timer will
start counting down until 00:00 is reached. At this time the display will
go blank and blower will cut off.
(5) Scroll Up - Changes timer display upward to 12 hours.
(6) Scroll Down - Changes timer display downward to 00:00.
(7) Set - Pushing once will activate display (00:00) and allow time to be
entered using the scroll up or scroll down buttons. The blower cannot
be activated using the set button. Only the timer will be activated.
Upon reaching 00:00, the buzzer will sound and will continue to beep
every 10 seconds up to 5 minutes.
Light Control (1)
Digital Display (3)
Fan Control (2)
Set Button (7)
Delay Feature
Button (4)
Scroll Down Button (6)
Scroll Up Button (5)
Operation of Your Hood
Always turn your hood on before you begin cooking to establish an air flow
in the kitchen. Likewise, let the blower run for a few minutes to clear the air
after you turn your cooking appliance off. This will help keep the air in the
kitchen cleaner.
Operation of Your Hood
(DCH Models only)
Always turn your hood on before you begin cooking to establish an air flow
in the kitchen. Let the blower run for a few minutes to clear the air after you
turn your cooking appliance off. This will help keep the air in the kitchen
Each hood has one blower motor which is operated using two (2) controls.
Use the on/off control switch to start and stop the blower. When turned on,
the blower will operate at the previous setting of the speed control. Turn the
speed control knob counterclockwise to decrease the blower speed and
clockwise to increase the speed. The type of cooking you are doing will
dictate the speed of the blower you will want to use.
Located to the left of the fan switches is the halogen light switch. This
controls the 50 watt halogen lights located in the front of the hood. The
halogen lights also have a switch which can be rotated in order to dim or
brighten the lights. Turn the dimmer control knob clockwise to brighten the
lights and counterclockwise to dim.
HHeeaatt SSeennssoorr TThheerrmmoossttaatt
Your hood is equipped with a heat sensor thermostat. The thermostat will
turn on or speed up the blower if it senses excessive heat above the cooking
surface. When the sensor activates, the letters “HOT” will appear on the
display. If the blower is OFF - it turns the blower ON to HIGH speed. If the
blower is ON at a lower speed setting - it turns the blower up to HIGH
speed. When the temperature level drops to normal, the blower will return
to its original setting and the display will be cleared..
ppoowweerr ttoo tthhee hhoooodd iiss nnoott ddiissccoonnnneecctteedd dduurriinngg cclleeaanniinngg,, tthhe
e hheeaatt sseennssoorr
tthheerrmmoossttaatt ccaann ccaauussee tthhee bblloowweerr ttoo ttuurrnn OONN..