
Replacing Light Bulbs
Halogen Lights
UUssee aann oovveenn mmiitttt dduurriinngg bbuullbb rreemmoovvaall ttoo pprrootteecctt yyoouurr hhaanndd iinn ccaassee tthhee bbuullbb
1) Unscrew halogen bulb.
2) Replace the bulb with a 120 volt, 50-watt halogen bulb.
Infrared Heat Lamp
UUssee aann oovveenn mmiitttt dduurriinngg bbuullbb rreemmoovvaall ttoo pprrootteecctt yyoouurr hhaanndd iinn ccaassee tthhee bbuullbb
1) Unscrew infrared bulb from heat lamp socket.
2) Replace the bulb with an R40, 120 volt, 250-watt infrared bulb.
If necessary to scrape stainless steel to remove encrusted materials, soak the
area with hot towels to loosen the material, then use a wooden or nylon
spatula or scraper.
DDoo nnoott uussee
a metal knife, spatula, or any other metal tool
to scrape stainless steel. Every three months give your hood a thorough
cleaning. On painted surfaces, use a new coat of wax. A good wax cleaner,
available at either a grocery or hardware store will do both jobs at once. On
stainless steel surfaces, use a good stainless steel cleaner and polish.
Renewing the Enamel Finish
If discoloration occurs, you should thoroughly polish the finish on your hood
to renew its gloss and luster and to remove any grease residue which may
have a yellowing effect. Use any good enamel polish, refrigerator polish, or
automotive polish.
CCAAUUTTIIOONN:: DDoo nnoott uussee aa ppoorrcceellaaiinn cclleeaanneerr oorr rroouugghh
aabbrraassiivvee cclleeaanneerr..
Renewing the Stainless Steel Finish
Regular cleaning is the best way to assure that your stainless steel finish stays
bright and unscratched. Use lemon oil or stainless steel polish to coat and
protect stainless steel.
Brass Parts
All brass special ordered parts are coated with an epoxy coating.
DDoo nnoott uussee bbrraassss cclleeaanneerrss oorr aabbrraassiivvee cclleeaannsseerrss oonn tthhee bbrraassss ooppttiioonn ppaarrttss..
brass body parts should be wiped regularly with hot soapy water. When hot
soapy water will not do the job, use every day household cleaners that are
not abrasive.
Cleaning Ductless Venting Chamber
1. Remove the middle vent by gently raising up and pulling out.
2. Use the same cleaning directions as stated in “Cleaning the Hood
3. After cleaning, replace the middle vent.
Service Information
If your hood should fail to operate check to see if the the circuit breaker
is open, or if a fuse is blown?
If service is required:
1. Call your dealer or authorized service agency. The name of
the authorized service agency can be obtained from the
dealer or distributor in your area.
2. Have the following information readily available:
a. Model number
b. Serial number
c. Date purchased
d. Name of dealer from whom purchased
3. Clearly describe the problem that you are having.
If you are unable to obtain the name of an authorized service agency, or
if you continue to have service problems, contact Viking Range
Corporation at (601) 451-4133 or write to:
111 Front Street
Greenwood, Mississippi (MS) 38930 USA
RReeccoorrdd tthhee iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn iinnddiiccaatteedd bbeellooww.. YYoouu wwiillll nneeeedd iitt iiff sseerrvviiccee iiss
eevveerr rreeqquuiirreedd..
The model and serial number for your hood is located
behind the baffle filter on the left side panel in the lower right corner.
Model Number Serial Number
Date of Purchase Date Installed
Dealer’s Name
If service requires installation of parts, use only authorized parts to
ensure protection under the warranty.