Setting Driver Properties
18 ViewCast
The Osprey -450e’s optional auxiliary expansion connector for video adds three additional inputs, over
three multi-purpose physical connectors for each of the four channels:
Component (YprPb) uses all three of the auxiliary video connectors
S-Video (Y-C) connects an SVideo connector to two of the connectors via an adapter cable
Three additional Composite inputs
The labeling on the expansion panel shows which connectors to use for each purpose. The inputs for
each channel, along with the channel’s bracket connector, can only be used one at a time. The
hardware automatically senses at system start whether the expansion connector is plugged in, and if
it is then six inputs appear in the Video Input drop-down list.
Changes to the video input take effect as soon as you click Apply or OK.
Video standard
Figure 16. Video Standard field
The Video Standard control group is a copy of the controls on the Video Decoder tab.
The North American standard is NTSC. The Japanese standard is NTSC-Japan. The five PAL standards, B,
D, G, H, and I are similar, and are treated the same way by the Osprey driver. The driver also supports
PAL-M and N and SECAM video. The North American standard is NTSC. The Japanese standard is NTSC-
Japan. The five PAL standards, B, D, G, H, and I are similar and treated the same way by the Osprey
driver. The driver also supports PAL-M and PAL-N and SECAM video. PAL-N is the Argentine standard
with a 3.58 MHz subcarrier. PAL-M is a standard that uses the PAL method of color encoding combined
with an NTSC-type 525-line, 29.97 Hz frame format.
Changes to the video standard take effect as soon as you click Apply or OK. If video is currently
streaming, you will not see correct video unless the signal format on the input is the same as the video
standard you have just selected. If you are changing from a 625-line standard to a 525-line standard and
your video is larger than the maximum size for the 525-line format, video will not restart until you adjust
the video size to an allowed value.
Figure 17. Video Standard drop-down list