
83 Chapter 7
• event
[USAGE] event [nn | all]
[FUNCTION] displays the configuration of event(s)
[USAGE] event nn iomap xx action [L2H|H2L|CHG] server d.d.d.d:d
[FUNCTION] sets the configuration of event
[USAGE] event [nn | all] clear
[FUNCTION] clears the configuration of event
>event 2 iomap f action L2H server
>event 2
The Event2 is iomap f action L2H server
>event 2 clear
>event all
The Event1 is iomap f action CHG server
The Event2 is disable
The Event3 is disable
The Event4 is disable
The inverse of DI value is off
[USAGE] event diinv [0|1]
[FUNCTION] sets the inverse of DI value on/off
>event diinv 1
>event all
The Event1 is iomap f action CHG server
The Event2 is disable
The Event3 is disable
The Event4 is disable
The inverse of DI value is on
>event diinv 0
>event all
The Event1 is iomap f action CHG server
The Event2 is disable
The Event3 is disable
The Event4 is disable
The inverse of DI value is off
[USAGE] event save
[F UN CT IO N] sa ve s t he co nf ig ur at io n o f e ve nt to sy st em
Note You should use the net save command to
activate the change.