
January 15, 2008 Version 1.08 7-3
Implement Order Results
Figure 7-3: Result of the IMPL request
8. Click OK in the Results of the IMPL request dialog to return to the Home page.
9. Select the Set level on the navigation tree.
10. Click the Refresh icon on the toolbar to see the results of your implementation in the
navigation tree.
For Your Information
These implementation steps are valid if you select the to NLP icon on the toolbar after
selecting a plan. You can also select the toll-free number you want to implement, click to
NLP, select a plan from the list, and perform steps 4-8.
Using the rollback option creates a second order with a second order number.
You can right-click on the plan from the navigation tree on the Home page to activate or
deactivate trigger points (if they are in the plan).