Wireless Broadband Router User Manual
Chapter 5 Using Network Connections
MTU MTU (Maximum Transmission Unit) specifies the largest packet size per-
mitted for Internet transmission. “Automatic, sets the MTU at 1500. Other choic-
es include “Automatic by DHCP,” which sets the MTU according to the DHCP
connection, and “Manual,” which allows the MTU to be set manually.
Internet Protocol
This section includes three options: No IP Address, Obtain an IP Address
Automatically, and Use the Following IP Address.
No IP Address Select this option if the connection has no IP address. This is use-
ful if the connection is operating under a bridge.
Obtain an IP Address Automatically Select this option if the ISP requires the con-
nection to obtain an IP address automatically. The server assigning the IP address
also assigns a subnet mask address, which can be overridden by clicking in the
“Override Subnet Mask” check box and entering another subnet mask address.
Additionally, the DHCP lease can be renewed and/or released by clicking on the
appropriate “DHCP Lease” button. The “Expires In” value displays how long until
the DHCP lease expires.
Use the Following IP Address Select this option if the connection uses a perma-
nent (static) IP address. The ISP should provide this address, along with a subnet
mask address, default gateway address, and, optionally, primary and secondary
DNS server addresses.
DNS Server
The Domain Name System (DNS) is the method by which website or domain
names are translated into IP addresses. This connection can be configured to
automatically obtain a DNS server address, or such an address can be specified
manually, according to the information provided by the ISP.
To configure the connection to automatically obtain a DNS server address, select
Obtain DNS Server Address Automatically from the “DNS Server” drop-down
list. To manually configure DNS server addresses, select Use the Following DNS
Server Addresses. Specify up to two different DNS server addresses, one pri-
mary, the other secondary.