Static IP
B.2 Windows Me
© 2008 Verizon. All Rights Reserved.
In the “IP Address” tab, make sure the the circle next to “Specify an IP 7.
Address” is selected. When active, a black dot appears in the circle. If the circle
already contains a black dot, leave it alone.
Enter the following numbers in the “IP Address” text box: 8.
Do not include the periods; they are automatically entered.
Enter the following numbers in the “Subnet mask” text box: 9.
Do not include the periods; they are automatically entered.
Click 10. OK. The TCP/IP Properties window disappears.
If there is a check in the box next to “Detect connection to network media,” 11.
click on it to uncheck the box.
In the Network window, click 12. OK. The Network window disappears.
The “System Settings Change” window appears, asking whether the 13.
computer should be restarted. Click Yes.
The computer restarts. It is now set up with a static IP address, allowing the user
to access the Gateway’s Web Configuration Utilities (Advanced Setup, Utilities,