030-300536 Rev. A 53 August 2007
User GuideVersaLink Wireless Gatewa
Model 7500
13.2 Simple Config
If you select Wireless Settings from the top navigational menu and then select Simple Config in the submenu
options at the left of the screen, the following screen will appear. Simple Config allows you to configure wireless
access to your Router. Devices that support Wi-Fi protected setup can quickly connect to your Router using the
Router’s simple config button, without first requesting long keywords or passphrases. By default, this feature is
disabled in the Router.
Simple Config offers two methods for quick wireless connection to your Router.
• Push Button method: Clicking this option allows you to press a button on the Router and on the client
(usually a software button) to automatically setup secure wireless access to the Router.
• PIN entry method: Clicking this option allows you to enter a PIN code, generated by the client (PC, Wireless
Printer, Dual Mode Phone, etc.), into the Router to automatically setup secure wireless access to the Router.
1. To use either method, your Router must be configured for WPA-PSK, WEP Open, or WPA2-PSK settings
2. Security settings “WEP Shared Key” and “WPA Enterprise” are not supported by Simple Config.
3. Your wireless client must support wi-fi protected setup. If needed, refer to your device manufacturer’s user
guide for details about your device.
13.2.1 Push Button Method
To configure wireless connection to the Router using the push button method, do the following:
1. At the Router’s Simple Config screen, click the black Enable Simple Config button, and then select Use
Push Button Method.
2. Either click the simple config button
in the screen, or press the simple config button on your Router.
3. Within 2 minutes of pressing the simple config button, return to your client and click the client's software
button to run the wi-fi protected setup application. The client will search for the device and make the
wireless connection to the Router.
13.2.2 Pin Entry Method
To configure wireless connection to the Router using the pin entry method, do the following:
1. Run your client’s wi-fi protected setup application to generate a pin value.
2. At the Router’s Simple Config screen, click the black Enable Simple Config button, and then select Use
Pin Entry Method.
3. Enter the pin value in the field provided.
4. Either click the simple config button
in the screen, or press the simple config button on your Router.
Within 2 minutes of pressing the simple config button, return to your client and click the client's software
button to run the wi-fi protected setup application. The client will search for the device and make the
wireless connection to the Router.