Operating Temperature: -10° C to 55° C (x°F to xx° F)
Storage Temperature: -30° C to 70° C (x° F to xx° F)
Battery Charging 0° C to 40° C (x )
Relative Humidity The device shall be fully operational up to a maximum of 93%
relative humidity (non-condensing).
Drop: The device accessories (battery and charger) shall withstand
drop from 1.5m onto hard surface (stone, concrete, metal)
without mechanical, electrical, or functional damage, except
for slight scratches or mars.
The housing will withstand drop from 1.25m onto hard
surface stone, concrete, metal) without mechanical, electrical,
or functional damage, except for slight scratches or mars
Electrostatic Discharge The device shall be able to withstand the following ESD: 8kV
contact / 15kV air discharge.
Vibration Stability: The device shall be able to withstand the following vibration
prole: 10-2000Hz, 1.5G acceleration, 3 axes.