Section 6: Getting ConnectedSection 6: Getting Connected
Section 6: Getting ConnectedSection 6: Getting Connected
To connect to a private network:
1. Obtain the following information from your network
Server phone number.
User name.
Domain (provided by the network administrator).
2. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Connections.
3. In My Work Network, follow the instructions for each type
of connection.
4. Complete the connection wizard, and then tap Finish.
To start browsing the Internet:
When the connection settings are completed, tap Start >
Programs > Internet Explorer.
To reset or modify the network card settings:
1. Tap Start > Settings > Connections tab > Network Cards.
2. In the My network card connects to list, select the
appropriate item:
If you want to connect to the Internet using your ISP,
select The Internet.
If you want to connect to a private network,
select Work.
3. In Tap an adapter to modify settings, tap the appropriate
adapter. The fields on the IP Address tab are
populated automatically.
4. Configure the TCP/IP settings (if required). If your ISP
or private network does not use dynamically-assigned
IP addresses, tap Use specific IP address and enter the
requested information. Contact your ISP or network
administrator to obtain the IP address, subnet mask,
and/or default gateway.