LCD Driver
1. Insert the driver CD into the CD drive.
2. Copy MiSM_LLCDxx_for_yyy.tar.gz of the /LCD/GS12/Linux/
directory to the directory of your choice (where xx refers to the version and yyy
refers to the operating system).
3. Untar/unzip archive: tar zxf MiSM_LLCDxx_for_yyy.tar.gz.
4. Change to the driver SRC directory: cd MiSM_LLCDxx_for_yyy/.
5. Install the LCD driver: ./LCDinstall.
6. Confirm that the NICs can be enabled when the system starts.
7. Reboot the system.
NOTE: Ignore any depmod: ***Unresolved symbols in ************.
Watchdog Driver
Usually, a userspace daemon notifies the kernel Watchdog driver through a special device
file at /dev/watchdog directory that the userspace still exists at regular intervals. When
such a notification occurs, the driver usually informs the hardware Watchdog that
everything is in order and it should reset the system after a little while. If userspace should
fail (e.g., RAM error, kernel bug, etc.) the notification ceases and the hardware Watchdog
resets the system (reboot) after the timeout occurs.
1. Insert the driver CD into the CD drive.
2. Copy wddm-x.x.tar.gz of the /ASF/Linux/watchdog/ directory to the
directory of your choice (where x.x refers to the version).
3. Untar/unzip archive: tar xfvz wddm-x.x.tar.gz.
4. Change to the driver directory: cd wddm-x.x.
5. Install the WatchDog driver: make
make install.
ASF Alert Simulation
The ASF Alert Simulation program is required to enable your system to send out a SNMP
trap when sensors (temperature, voltage, or fan speed) detect an abnormal condition.
1. Insert the driver CD into the CD drive.
2. Copy asfm-x.x.tar.gz of the / ASF/Linux/ASF_Simulation/ directory
to the directory of your choice (where x.x refers to the version).