Enabled / Disabled
Swap Floppy Drive:
This option allows the system to swap floppy drive.
Disabled / Enabled
Boot Up Floppy Seek:
This option allows the system to seek floppy drive when boots up.
Enabled / Disabled
Boot Up NumLock Status:
This option allows you to select power on state for NumLock.
Off / On
Gate A20 Option:
Select if chipset or keyboard controller should control GateA20. When set to Fast, the system
chipset controls Gate A20. When set to Normal, a pin in the keyboard controller controls Gate
A20. Setting Gate A20 to Fast improves system speed, particularly with OS/2 and Windows.
Normal / Fast
Typematic Rate Setting:
Toggles control of keyboard key repeat rate.
Typematic Rate (Chars/Sec):
Defines how many characters are repeated per second when holding down a key on the
6 / 8 / 10 / 12 / 15 / 20 / 24 / 30
Typematic Delay (Msec):
Defines the delay that occurs at keystroke before that key will start to repeat.
250 / 500 / 750/ 1000
Security Option:
Sets the password on either just the BIOS setup or the entire system (BIOS setup included).
Setup / System
APIC Mode:
This option allows you to enabled or disabled Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller
(APIC) Mode.
Enabled / Disabled
MPS Version Control For OS:
Selects APIC mode depending on operating system: select 1.1 for Win NT 3.52, and 1.4 for
Win NT4.0, Win2000 and WinXP
1.4 / 1.1
OS Select For DRAM > 64MB:
Select OS2 only if you are running OS/2 operating system with more than 64MB of RAM.
Non-OS2 / OS2
Video BIOS Shadow:
This option allows you to enabled copies Video BIOS to shadow RAM Improves performance.