
Chapter 4
BIOS Configuration
* Setting option not selectable.
ACPI Aware O/S
Set this option to Yes to enable Advanced Configuration and Power Interface
(ACPI) BIOS for an ACPI-aware operating system.
Power Management/APM
Set this option to Enabled to enable the chipset power management and APM
(Advanced Power Management) features. The settings are Enabled or Dis-
Power Button Function
This option specifies how the power button mounted externally on the
computer chassis is used. See Soft Power Connector on page 31 for more
information. The settings are shown in the table below.
Green PC Monitor Power State
This option specifies the power state that the green PC-compliant video
monitor enters when AMIBIOS places it in a power saving state after the
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Setting Option Optimal Default Fail-Safe Default
Device 6 (Serial port 1) Monitor Monitor
Device 7 (Serial port 2) Monitor Monitor
Device 8 (P arallel port) Monitor Monitor
Device 5 (F loppy disk) Monitor Monitor
Device 0 (P rimary mas ter IDE) Monitor Monitor
Device 1 (Primary slave IDE) Monitor Monitor
Device 2 (Secondary master IDE) Monitor Monitor
Device 3 (Secondary slave IDE) Monitor Monitor
LAN Wake-up Dis abled Dis abled
PC 98 Power LED Disabled Disabled
F an OF F at S us pend E nabled Enabled
RT C Wake-up Dis abled Disabled
*Hour N/A N/A
*Minute N/A N/A