
© Copyright 2013 TRENDnet. All Rights Reserved.
TRENDnet User’s Guide
8. The wizard searches for wireless Access Points.
9. Next, you are prompted to disconnect your network cable from the
camera/router. Click Next to continue, Back to go to the previous screen or
Home to return to the Main Menu.
10. The camera is connecting to the wireless network.
11. The initial setup is complete. The main feature is the Cloud Access accessibility
feature. Click the link(s) or icon below to create a shortcut on your desktop.
Also, below the icon is a warning message. This warning message is only shown
when the internet connection is inactive or the cloud server cannot be found.
Make sure the internet connection is active, click Retry. When the Cloud server
isn’t found, the server may be busy or under maintenance. Under these
circumstances, click Retry later again. If there is no warning, click Next.