
Binary outputs
Binary outputs
The ZN521 zone controller supports fan coil, blower coil, and unit ventila-
tor applications that may include the following components:
Supply fan with up to three speeds
Hydronic cooling and/or heating coils with two-position or tri-state
modulating control valve
DX cooling (single stage)
Electric heat (single stage or two stage)
Baseboard heat (single stage)
Tri-state modulating outdoor/return air damper
Tri-state modulating face-and-bypass damper
The Tracer ZN521 controller includes ten binary outputs. Each binary
output is a triac with a rating of 12 VA at 24 Vac. Table 6 describes the
function of each output.
Generic binary output
Binary output 10 is the only output that can be configured as a generic
binary output. When configured as a generic binary output, it can be con-
trolled only by a BAS, and has no direct effect on Tracer ZN521 operation.
Table 6: Binary output functions
Binary output Functions
1 • Fan high
2 • Fan medium
• Exhaust fan or damper
3 • Fan low
4 • Modulating cooling/changeover valve, open
• Two-position cooling/changeover valve
• DX cooling
5 • Modulating cooling/changeover valve, close
• Face-and-bypass damper, open to face
6 • Modulating heating valve, open
• Two-position heating valve
• Electric heat, stage 1
7 • Modulating heating valve, close
• Face-and-bypass damper, close (bypass)
• Electric heat, stage 2
8 • Outdoor air damper, open (return air damper, close)
9 • Outdoor air damper, close (return air damper, open)
10 • Baseboard heat
• Generic