48 TRG-TRC001-EN
period six
Psychrometric Analyses
varying the supply air temperature as the two airstreams mix downstream of
the air handler.
The face-and-bypass dampers are controlled by the room dry-bulb thermostat.
The cooling coil is allowed to “run wild,” causing the air that does pass through
it to be cooled more at partial airflows.
At our example part-load conditions, the room thermostat assumes control of
the face-and-bypass dampers, which reduces the amount of air passing
through the cooling coil. Since the coil is now “running wild,” the reduced
airflow through the coil (1,870 cfm) is cooled and dehumidified more than at full
load (D). When the conditioned air mixes with the bypass air (1,560 cfm), the
required supply air condition (3,430 cfm at E) results.
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Figure 77