
The model TCONT624AS42DAA Comfort Control provides typical operation of a forced air heating and cooling HVAC system. The TCONT624
comfort control also features a Z-Wave™ module for remote control.
Normally, the Comfort Control displays the Home Screen as shown above.
Item Description Notes
Clock Display The current time is displayed in the upper left corner
of the main screen. The time will blink when the clock
has not been set.
See TIME/DATE for more information. If the control
is connected to Nexia Home Intelligence the clock will
be updated by the Nexia portal.
Dynamic Labels and Func-
tion Control Buttons
The buttons are dened by the dynamic labels in each
button. As you navigate through menus, the labels for
the buttons will change.
Setpoint Display and Set-
point Up/Down Buttons
The current heat or cool setpoint is displayed. These
setpoints may be set using Nexia Home Intelligence,
the Control’s internal schedule, or by pressing the Set-
point Up/Down buttons. Pressing the setpoint button
changes the setpoint screen. The current mode is dis-
played at the top of the screen. Adjust the setpoint by
pressing the up or down arrows. To change setpoint
mode press the MODE button.
The setpoints will push each other if they are adjusted
to within the minimum heat/cool separation setting.
This is normally 3 degrees.
Temperature Display The Comfort Control displays the current temperature
as sensed by the internal temperature sensor.
The internal temperature sensor can be adjusted as
Menu Button Button used to access other Comfort Control menus Other Comfort Control menus can be accessed by
pressing the MENU button.
System Mode Button Button used to change the system mode Off: System off
Heating: Heating only
Cooling: Cooling only
Auto: Heating/Cooling as necessary
EM Heat: Indoor Heat only
Fan Mode Button Button used to change the fan mode: Auto: Fan on when cooling/heating is necessary
On: Fan constantly on
Circ: Fan on for a user-selected number of minutes
per hour.
Schedule Mode Button Button used to change the schedule mode: Hold: System maintains the current temperature set-
points. Schedules are disregarded.
Run: Run the system schedule
Energy Saving Mode (ESM): Temperature setpoints in
ESM Setpoints are maintained.
User Guide
Sched Mode