P S W G S A 1 1 0 JO
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Self-Contained Ship-With Accessory Model Number Description
Digit 1 - Parts/Accessories
P = Parts/Accessories
Digit 2 - Unit Model
S= Self-Contained
Digit 3 - Shipment
W = With Unit
Digit 4 - Development Sequence
F = Signature Series
G = Modular Series
Digit 5 - Sensors and Other Accessories
S = Sensors
Digit 6 - Sensors and Thermostats (field
A = BAYSENS077 - Zone Temp Only (C V
and VAV)
B = BAYSENS073 - Zone Temp with
Timed Override Button (CV and VAV)
C = BAYSENS074 - Zone Temp with
Timed Override Button, Setpoint Dial
(CV and VAV)
D = BAYSENS023 - Remote Min. Position
Potentiometer Control (OA Damper)
E = BAYSENS108 - CV Zone Sensor-dual
setpoint, man/auto changeover
F = BAYSENS110 - CV Zone Sensor-dual
setpoint, man/auto changeover w,
indicator lights
G = BAYSENS019 - CV Programmable
Night Setback Sensor
H = BAYSENS021 - VAV Zone Sensor with
Indicator Lights
J = BAYSENS020 - VAV Programmable
Night Setback Sensor
K = Remote Sensor Kit
L = Outside Air Temperature Sensor Kit
M = Outside Air Humidity Sensor Kit
N = BAYSTAT010 - 2 Heat/2 Cool
P = BAYSTAT037A - 2 Heat/2 Cool
Programmable Thermostat
0 = None
Description PSWG
Digit 7 - Mixed Air Temperature Protec-
tion Kit (field installed)
1 = Mixed Air Temperature Protection Kit
0 = None
Digit 8 - Carbon Dioxide Sensor (field
1 = Carbon Dioxide Sensor Kit
0 = None
Digit 9 - Future Option
0 = None
Digit 10, 11 - Design Sequence
J0 = J Design