Roof curb Installation
Roof curbs are available as an
accessory for "downflow" units to
support the unit and ensure the
water tightness between the rooftop
and the roof. Two types of roof
curbs are available: The standard
version to allow the installation of
the unit on a flat roof and the
adjustable version for a sloped roof
installation. (See Figure 1b for the
maximum slope correction of
adjustable roofcurb.)
The adjustable roof curbs are
supplied pre-assembled on a skid.
Two types of self-adhesive seals are
provided separately. (40 mm wide
for the perimeter, 20 mm wide for
the cross pieces). Make sure they
are properly installed where
indicated to assure an adequate
curb to unit seal.
Instructions for the roof curb
assembly and installation with curb
dimensions are provided with each
roof curb kit.
Table 1 - Sling lengths and maximum unit weight
Figure 1b - Maximum slope correction of adjustable roof curb.
Figure 2 - Waterproofing
1 = Roofcurb
2 = Roof membrane
3 = Seal
4 = Rooftop