Table 24-1 Supply Fan Performance 23-29 Ton English
Static Pressure (in. wg)
0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 2.25
6670. 307. 0.92 371. 1.30 431. 1.75 490. 2.29 544. 2.86 593. 3.46 639. 4.08 681. 4.71 720. 5.36
7085. 317. 1.05 380. 1.46 436. 1.90 493. 2.44 546. 3.03 595. 3.65 640. 4.30 683. 4.96 722. 5.63
7500. 328. 1.20 390. 1.63 442. 2.07 496. 2.61 548. 3.21 597. 3.85 642. 4.52 684. 5.21 724. 5.91
7915. 339. 1.36 399. 1.81 449. 2.26 500. 2.80 551. 3.41 599. 4.06 644. 4.75 686. 5.46 726. 6.18
8330. 350. 1.53 408. 2.00 458. 2.48 505. 3.00 554. 3.62 601. 4.29 646. 4.99 687. 5.72 727. 6.47
8745. 361. 1.72 417. 2.21 467. 2.72 511. 3.23 558. 3.85 604. 4.53 648. 5.24 689. 5.99 729. 6.76
9160. 372. 1.92 427. 2.44 477. 2.98 519. 3.49 563. 4.10 608. 4.78 651. 5.51 691. 6.27 731. 7.06
9575. 384. 2.14 437. 2.68 486. 3.24 528. 3.79 569. 4.37 611. 5.05 654. 5.80 694. 6.57 733. 7.37
9990. 395. 2.38 448. 2.95 495. 3.52 537. 4.11 575. 4.68 616. 5.35 657. 6.10 697. 6.89 735. 7.70
10405. 407. 2.65 459. 3.24 504. 3.82 547. 4.45 583. 5.02 622. 5.68 661. 6.42 700. 7.22 738. 8.05
10820. 419. 2.94 470. 3.54 514. 4.14 556. 4.79 593. 5.40 628. 6.04 666. 6.77 704. 7.57 741. 8.42
11235. 432. 3.25 481. 3.87 524. 4.49 565. 5.15 602. 5.81 636. 6.43 671. 7.15 708. 7.95 744. 8.80
11650. 444. 3.59 492. 4.21 534. 4.86 574. 5.53 612. 6.23 645. 6.87 678. 7.57 713. 8.36 748. 9.21
12065. 457. 3.94 503. 4.57 544. 5.26 583. 5.93 621. 6.67 654. 7.35 685. 8.02 719. 8.80 753. 9.64
1. Fan performance table includes internal resistances of cabinet, wet coil and 2 (50 mm) standard filters. For other components refer to component pressure
drop table.
2. The pressure drops from the supply fan to the space should not exceed 2.25 positive.
3. Maximum air flow for 23 ton unit is 10080 CFM, 25 ton is 11000 CFM, 29 ton is 12000 CFM.
4. Maximum motor HP 23 ton unit is 10 HP, 25 ton is 10 HP, 29 ton unit is 15 HP.
Table 24-2 Supply Fan Performance 82-105 KW Metric
Static Pressure (Pascals)
62.9 124.1 186.2 248.3 310.4 372.5 434.6 496.7 558.8
(L/s) RPM (kW) RPM (kW) RPM (kW) RPM (kW) RPM (kW) RPM (kW) RPM (kW) RPM (kW) RPM (kW)
3148. 307. 0.68 371. 0.97 431. 1.31 490. 1.70 544. 2.13 593. 2.58 639. 3.04 681. 3.51 720. 4.00
3344. 317. 0.78 380. 1.09 436. 1.42 493. 1.82 546. 2.26 595. 2.72 640. 3.20 683. 3.70 722. 4.20
3539. 328. 0.89 390. 1.22 442. 1.54 496. 1.95 548. 2.40 597. 2.87 642. 3.37 684. 3.88 724. 4.40
3735. 339. 1.01 399. 1.35 449. 1.68 500. 2.09 551. 2.54 599. 3.03 644. 3.54 686. 4.07 726. 4.61
3931. 350. 1.14 408. 1.49 458. 1.85 505. 2.24 554. 2.70 601. 3.20 646. 3.72 687. 4.26 727. 4.82
4127. 361. 1.28 417. 1.64 467. 2.03 511. 2.41 558. 2.87 604. 3.38 648. 3.91 689. 4.46 729. 5.04
4323. 372. 1.43 427. 1.82 477. 2.22 519. 2.60 563. 3.06 608. 3.57 651. 4.11 691. 4.68 731. 5.26
4519. 384. 1.59 437. 2.00 486. 2.42 528. 2.82 569. 3.26 611. 3.77 654. 4.32 694. 4.90 733. 5.50
4715. 395. 1.77 448. 2.20 495. 2.63 537. 3.06 575. 3.49 616. 3.99 657. 4.55 697. 5.13 735. 5.74
4910. 407. 1.97 459. 2.41 504. 2.85 547. 3.32 583. 3.74 622. 4.23 661. 4.79 700. 5.39 738. 6.00
5106. 419. 2.19 470. 2.64 514. 3.09 556. 3.58 593. 4.03 628. 4.50 666. 5.05 704. 5.65 741. 6.28
5302. 432. 2.42 481. 2.88 524. 3.35 565. 3.84 602. 4.33 636. 4.79 671. 5.33 708. 5.93 744. 6.56
5498. 444. 2.67 492. 3.14 534. 3.62 574. 4.12 612. 4.65 645. 5.13 678. 5.64 713. 6.23 748. 6.87
5694. 457. 2.94 503. 3.41 544. 3.92 583. 4.42 621. 4.97 654. 5.48 685. 5.98 719. 6.56 753. 7.19
1. Fan performance table includes internal resistances of cabinet, wet coil and 2 (50 mm) standard filters. For other components refer to component pressure
drop table.
2. The pressure drops from the supply fan to the space should not exceed 2.25 (558.8 Pa) positive.
3. Maximum air flow 23 ton (80 kW) is 4756 L/s, 25 ton is 5190 l/s, 29 ton is 5663 L/s
4. Maximum motor kW for 23 ton unit is 7.5 (10 hp), 25 ton is 7.5 kW (10 HP), 29 ton is 11.2 kW (15 hp).