Excellent Reliability…
A buildings environment is expected to
be comfortable. When it is, no one says
a word. If it’s not… that’s a different
story. The same is true with chillers. No
one ever talks about chillers, yet alone
compressors, until they fail, and tenants
are uncomfortable and productivity is
lost. Trane’s helical rotary compressors
have a first year reliability rate of over
99%, which means our chillers stay
running when you need them.
Fewer moving parts. Trane’s helical
rotary compressors have only two major
rotating parts: the male and female rotor.
A reciprocating compressor can have
more than 15 times that number of
critical parts. Multiples of pistons, valves,
crankshafts, and connecting rods in a
reciprocating unit all represent different
failure paths for the compressor. In fact,
reciprocating compressors can easily
have a failure rate four times of a helical
rotor. Combine that with two to three
reciprocating compressors for each
helical rotary compressor on chillers of
equal tonnage, and statistics tell you it’s
a matter of time before you lose a
reciprocating compressor.
Robust components. Helical rotary
compressors are precisely machined
using state of the art processes from
solid metal bar stock. Tolerances are
maintained within a micron or less than
a tenth of the diameter of a human hair.
The resulting compressor is a robust yet
highly sophisticated assembly capable of
ingesting liquid refrigerant without risk
of damage. Contrast this to a
reciprocating compressor, which can be
destroyed by a single slug of liquid.
Condenser coils. Trane’s condenser
coils are manufactured with the same
philosophy as the compressors; they’re
built to last. Even though manufacturing
processes have allowed thinner and
thinner materials in their assembly, with
obvious material and manufacturing
savings, Trane’s coil material did not
change with the RTAC generation of air
cooled chillers. Substantial condenser
fins, that do not require additional
coating in non-corrosive environments,
contribute to the highest reliability
standards for air-cooled chillers in the
Features and
Figure 2 — Cutaway of a compressor