Hot Gas Bypass for Commercial Comfort-Cooling Applications
Hot gas bypass is not recommended for use on RAUC units. Frostat™ is the preferred method of
protecting the evaporator from freeze-up. It turns off compressors when the coil frosting is sensed.
The compressor is allowed to operate when the coil temperature rises a few degrees above the
frosting condition. This action reduces the overall energy consumption of the system while reliably
maintaining system control.
For more information, refer to the latest edition of Application Guide SS-APG001-EN.
Optional Pressure Gauges
When a unit is ordered with optional pressure gauges, (“F” is included in the miscellaneous digit
of the model number), a set of gauges and the necessary mounting hardware ship in the location
illustrated in the Unit Component “Layout” and “Shipwith” Location. The mounting location and
tubing configuration for the optional pressure gauges after field installation is shown below.
Final Refrigerant Pipe Connections
To access the refrigerant pipe connections, remove the louvered side grills.
These condensing units are shipped with a Nitrogen holding charge. Install pressure gauges to the
appropriate access valve(s) and take a reading. If no pressure is present, refer to the “Leak Testing
Procedure” section. If pressure is present, relieve the pressure before attempting to unsweat the
“seal” caps. If refrigerant connections are not capped, but are “spun-end” tubes, use a tubing
cutter to remove the end from the pipe.
Note: To prevent damage to the system, do not drill a hole in the seal caps or saw the ends off pipe
stubs. This may introduce copper chips into the system piping.