10 Ton
Table PD-17. SCRB/SIRB 10 Gross Cooling Capacity
Entering Ambient Air Temperature
75°F 85°F 95°F 105°F 115°F
Airflow EDB EWB Total Sensible Total Sensible Total Sensible Total Sensible Total Sensible
cf m F F MBh MBh MBh MBh MBh MBh MBh MBh MBh MBh
62 123741295710766----
3200 70 67 135 59 113 68 117 51 ----
72 1187112454------
62 123 87 118 85 113 82 107 79 - -
75 67 135 73 129 70 123 68 117 65 - -
72 147 58 141 56 135 53 128 51 - -
62 123 101 118 99 113 96 107 93 - -
80 67 134 87 129 84 123 82 117 79 - -
72 147 72 141 69 135 67 128 64 - -
62 123 115 118 112 113 110 107 106 102 102
85 67 134 100 129 98 123 95 117 92 110 90
72 147 85 141 83 135 81 128 78 121 75
62 128791355911171----
4000 70 67 140 61 117 73 122 53 ----
72 1237612856------
62 128 95 123 93 117 90 111 87 - -
75 67 140 78 134 75 128 73 122 70 - -
72 153 60 146 58 140 55 133 52 - -
62 128 112 123 109 117 106 111 103 - -
80 67 140 94 134 92 128 89 121 86 - -
72 153 77 146 74 140 72 132 69 - -
62 129 127 124 124 119 119 114 114 109 109
85 67 140 110 134 108 128 105 121 102 114 99
72 152 93 146 90 139 88 132 85 125 82
62 132831386111475----
4800 70 67 144 63 121 78 125 55 ----
72 1278113258------
62 132 102 127 100 120 97 114 94 - -
75 67 144 82 138 80 132 77 125 74 - -
72 157 62 150 60 143 57 136 54 - -
62 132 121 126 118 121 116 114 112 - -
80 67 144 101 138 98 131 96 124 93 - -
72 157 81 150 78 143 76 136 73 - -
62 135 135 130 130 125 125 120 120 114 114
85 67 144 120 138 117 131 114 124 112 117 109
72 157 99 150 97 143 94 135 92 127 89
Notes: 1. Performance based on matched air-cooled unit and remote condenser. 2. All capacities are gross and have not considered indoor fan heat. 3. CAP = total gross cooling capacity.
4. SHC = sensible heat capacity.