
74 UNT-IOM-6
Binary outputs are configured to support the following:
 Three fan stages (when one or two fan stages are present, medium
fan speed can be configured as exhaust fan)
 One hydronic cooling stage
 One hydronic heating stage (dehumidification requires this to be in
the reheat position)
 One DX cooling stage
 One- or two-stage electric heat (dehumidification requires this to be
in the reheat position)
 Face and bypass damper
 Modulating outdoor air damper
 One baseboard heat stage
Table 27. Binary Output Configuration
Binary Output Configuration
J1-1 Fan high
J1-2 Fan medium
J1-3 Fan low
J1-4 (Key)
J1-5 Cool valve  open, or 2 position valve,
(Note 1)
J1-6 Cool valve  close (Note 1)
J1-9 Heat valve  open, or 2 position valve, or 1
Electric heat stage (Note 1)
J1-10 Heat valve  close or 2
Electric heat stage
(Note 1)
J1-11 Fresh air damper - open
J1-12 Fresh air damper - close
TB4-1 Generic / Bbaseboard heat output
TB4-2 24VAC
Note 1: For Tracer
ZN.520 units configured and applied as 2-pipe
hydronic heat/cool changeover, terminals J1-5 and J1-6 are used to
control the primary valve for both heating and cooling. For Tracer
ZN.520 units configured and applied as 2-pipe hydronic heat/cool
changeover with electric heat, terminals J1-5 and J1-6 are used to
control the primary valve (for both cooling and heating), and terminals
J1-9 and J1-10 are used only for the electric heat stage. For those 2-
pipe changeover units, electric heat will not be energized while the
hydronic supply is hot (5 or more degrees above the space tempera-
Binary Outputs