and Benefits
©American Standard Inc. 2000
Q Fan
The Model Q
fan is a quiet, airfoil, in-
line fan specifically designed for air
conditioning applications. This highly
refined axial flow fan is available in 13
sizes from 1,000 through 80,000 cfm.
Small and compact, the Q fan has
proven to be the ideal air moving
device for standalone applications and
also for custom air handling units. It
can be used for supply, return and
exhaust systems.
Available in arrangement 1 (for floor
mounting of larger units with heavier
motors) and arrangement 9 (horizontal
or vertical mounting), it can be selected
in class 1, 2 and 3. Arrangement 9
permits factory mounting of the motor
on top, bottom, or either side of the fan
— see below.
The Q (Quiet) Fan
The Trane Model Q fan generates less
low frequency noise (more difficult to
attenuate) than any other type of fan in
the HVAC industry. Sound level
comparisons show common vaneaxial
fans produce up to 23 db higher sound
levels than the Model Q — significant
in industrial applications. Being quieter
than centrifugal fans allows for
installations closer to building
Saves Mechanical Room Space
The compact quiet Q fan saves floor
space, which reduces system first cost.
Easy To Install
Rigging and installation is so much
quicker and easier that total installed
cost savings are typically five percent
or more.
Low Maintenance
Belt-driven with fixed blades, Model Q
fan has very few moving parts. This
design results in exceptionally low
maintenance requirements. No fan
teardowns need be scheduled. In fact,
Q fans installed 25 years ago are still
operating just as quietly as when they
were installed.
Discharge End View
Arrangement 9 Arrangement 1
AMCA Licensed Ratings
The Trane Company certifies that the
Model Q fans shown herein are
licensed to bear the AMCA Seal. The
ratings shown are based on tests and
procedures performed in accordance
with AMCA Publication 211 and
comply with the requirements of the
AMCA Certified Ratings Program.
Flexible Installation
The Model Q arrangement 9 can be set
in any position, for horizontal
discharge, angled discharge and
vertical discharge either upblast or
downflow. The only limitations placed
on this arrangement are those dictated
by good fan installation practice.
Motor slide rails and drive guard are
standard, at no extra cost.