
Table GP-1— Gas Pressure Regulator Selection
If Burner Size (BS) Is: And Gas Pressure (GP) Is: Then:
BS < 825 GP< 7” WC Call factory to verify availability and pricing
< GP < 10” WC Use low gas pressure burner
< GP < 1 PSI No low gas pressure burner or high gas pressure regulator required
1 PSI < GP < 5 PSI Use high gas pressure regulator 1-5 PSI
5 PSI < GP
< 10 PSI Use high gas pressure regulator 5-10 PSI
10 PSI < GP
< 50 PSI Use high gas pressure regulator over 10 PSI
50 PSI < GP Call factory to verify availability and pricing
990 < BS < 4125 GP < 7” WC Call factory to verify availability and pricing
7” WC
< GP < 10” WC Use low gas pressure burner
10” WC < GP < 5 PSI No low gas pressure burner or high gas pressure regulator required
5 PSI < GP
< 10 PSI Use high gas pressure regulator 5-10 PSI
10 PSI < GP
< 50 PSI Use high gas pressure regulator over 10 PSI
50 PSI < GP Call factory to verify availability and pricing
4400 < BS < 7975 GP < 1 PSI Call factory to verify availability and pricing
< GP < 5 PSI No low gas pressure burner or high gas pressure regulator required
5 PSI < GP < 10 PSI Use high gas pressure regulator 5-10 PSI
10 PSI < GP
< 50 PSI Use high gas pressure regulator over 10 PSI
50 PSI < GP Call factory to verify availability and pricing