Leading in Efficiency and Reliability with State-Of-The-Art
Scroll Compressor Technology
The energy efficiency of the scroll chiller
results in energy costs lower than any
other comparable chiller. Full load
efficiencies are improved beyond
reciprocating chillers, but part load
efficiencies are simply unmatched by any
other manufacturer.
Superior efficiencies are obtained by
combining many of the traditional scroll
chiller energy efficient features with the
Trane scroll compressor technology.
• Scroll compressor’s positive
displacement design
• Dual refrigerant circuits (40-60 ton units)
• Multiple compressors
• Optimum system design
• Reduced friction
• No valves
• Advanced heat transfer surfaces
Chart illustrates low torque variation of the
Trane scroll compressor vs reciprocating
Graph illustrates Trane scroll chiller’s superior annual energy costs vs typical reciprocating
Features and
Operating Torque
The Trane scroll chiller with many new
improvements, now brings an exciting
new compressor to the commercial
market — the Trane scroll compressor.
Trane has designed the scroll
compressor to be a leader in reliability.
• Simple design with 64 percent fewer
parts than equal capacity reciprocating
• Scroll compliance allows liquid and dirt
to pass through without damaging
compressor (liquid slugging resistant).
• Advanced microelectronics protect both
compressor and motor from typical
electrical fault conditions.
• Scroll compressors have less than a
third the torque variations of a
reciprocating compressor.
• Years of laboratory testing have
optimized compressor and chiller
systems reliability.
• Water-cooled scroll chillers are factory
ASHRAE Standard 90.1
All Trane
chillers meet and exceed the new
efficiency levels mandated by ASHRAE
Standard 90.1. This new standard
requires higher efficiencies than past
technologies can deliver. In fact, energy
efficiency is so paramount the US
Federal Government has adopted
standard 90.1. Federal Executive Order
mandates energy consuming devices
procured must be in the top 25% of their
class. In the case of chillers, ASHRAE
90.1 is the product standard for
Not only has ASHRAE 90.1 been
adopted by the US Federal Government,
it’s expected to be adopted domestically,
if not globally, in the future. Make sure
that your chillers as well as your entire
HVAC system complies, or you may be
caught retrofitting your project with new
equipment and paying extra design
dollars if the code changes during
Trane’s CGWE was designed with the
end user’s requirements in mind.
Efficiency and reliability were primary
design concerns with this latest
generation machine.
Scroll Chiller Energy Usage Savings
Kilowatt Hours
Chiller Load (%)
Typical Reciprocating
Scroll Chiller
10-20% Annual Energy Savings