
Mount the termination module
Mount the termination module
After selecting a suitable location for the Tracker controller, mount the
termination module. Mounting consists of securing the termination
module to a wall or a 2 in. × 4 in. recessed conduit box (mounted vertically
or horizontally) or a 4 in. × 4 in. recessed conduit box (several European
electrical box sizes are also usable) and installing electrical conduit
(optional). Figure 12 shows the conduit access and mounting holes on the
termination module.
Figure 12. Termination module conduit access and mounting holes
Termination board
Conduit access
(three places)
Two holes for mounting on a wall
(one on each side)
Holes for mounting on a
4 in. x 4 in. conduit box
(four corners)
Holes for mounting on a 2 in. x 4 in.
conduit box vertically
(top and bottom)
Holes for mounting on a 2 in. x 4 in.
conduit box horizontally
(left and right)
Conduit connector
Jamb nut
(attaches to
conduit connector)