
¾ SAMBA Host: Type the IP address of the SAMBA server.
¾ Share: Type the video storage destination on the SAMBA server.
¾ SAMBA username: Type the user name to login the SAMBA server.
¾ SAMBA Login Password: Type the password to login the SAMBA server.
6.10 Continuous Recording
The camera provides continuous video recording feature to store camera video clip to SD card or
samba server in local network. The page shows the status of attached SD card. You may set up
related parameters to manage the attached SD card also the video recording storage on the
samba server.
1) Max. 5 minutes of video can be recorded to SD card or samba server.
2) There are various factors affecting the recording results, such as network congestion, SD
card writing performance, hardware resource limitation…etc.; NO guarantee will be given to
“seamless recording” in the recorded video clips.