Cloud Camera, 300Mbps Wi-Fi
If TLS is selected as the SSL Encryption, set the Sender E-mail Port as 465; if STARTTLS is
selected, set the Port as 25 or 587.
Sending Interval: Set the limit for how frequently E-mail notifications will be sent. Select one
interval from the drop-down list.
For example, if you want to use Gmail with TLS for E-mail notifications, follow the steps
1. Enter the receiver’s E-mail address in Recipient E-mail Address, e.g. test@tp-link.com.
2. Enter smtp.gmail.com in SMTP server.
3. Enter your Gmail E-mail address in Sender E-mail Address, e.g. test@gmail.com
4. Enter the password required to access the SMTP server.
5. Select TLS as the SSL encryption and the SMPT server port number will be changed to 465
6. Set the Sending Interval, e.g. 1m.
7. Click Save to save and enable the settings.
Click Test, and a test JPEG snapshot will be sent to the recipient E-mail address to check whether
your settings are correct.
If the settings are tested correct, you will see the following screen. Click OK.