Computer System HyperTools Tevion TSD-DR40HD User Guide
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4.3 Setup Menu – Audio
This menu deals with settings to do with audio and speaker system being used.
Submenu Comments
Analogue Audio Output Enables selection of speaker setup (2 channel stereo or 5.1
channel surround sound)
2 Options: 2 CH (default)/5.1 CH
Set to 2 CH
SPDIF Output Enables selection of audio file format (Raw digital data or
Linear Pulse Code Modulation data)
2 Options: RAW (default)/LPCM
Set to RAW
LPCM Output Enables the selection of audio sampling frequency.
2 Options: LPCM 48K/LPCM 96K (default)
Set to LPCM 96K
4.4 Setup Menu – Language
This menu deals with settings to do with language used on menus and displays.
Submenu Comments
System Language Enables displays in preferred language. Set to English
Audio Language Enables displays in preferred language. Set to English
Subtitle Language Enables displays in preferred language. Set to English
Disk Menu Language Enables displays in preferred language. Set to English
4.5 Setup Menu – Date/Time
This menu deals with date and time settings of importance for recording of TV programs.
Submenu Comments
Date/Time Setting Enables accurate setting of date and time.
3 Options: Auto (default)/Manual/Auto DVB
Set to Auto (with Program = P003 ABC02)
Program P001 ----------
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Enables setting of current date. Caution: This allows
American date format only (month day year)!
Displays mm dd yyyy (factory default 01 01 2008)
Set to: Current date (in American date format)
Time (hh:ss) Enables setting of current time.
Displays hh:mm (factory default 06:24)
Set to current time