3.5.4 Port 6 (P60 to P67)
Port 6 is an 8-bit general-purpose I/O port*. Bits can be individually set as either inputs
or outputs by control register P6CR and function register P6FC*.
In addition to functioning as a general-purpose I/O port, port 6 can also function as an
address bus (A16 to A23).
After released reset, device set port 6 to pins of follow function by combination of AM1
and AM0 pins.
AM1 AM0 Function Setting after Reset
0 0 Don’t use this setting
0 1 Address bus (A16 to A23)
1 0 Address bus (A16 to A23)
1 1 Don’t use this setting
*: When these ports are used as general-purpose I/O port, each bit can be set individually for input or output. However, each
bit cannot be set individually for input or output even if 1bit or more bits are used as address bus in same port.
All of general-purpose I/O ports except for port that used as address bus are operated as output port.
Please be careful when using this setting.
Figure 3.5.7 Port 6
Internal data bus
Direction control
(on bit basis)*
P6CR write
Output latch
P6 write
P6 read
Port 6
P60 to P67
(A16 to A23)
Function control
(on bit basis)
P6FC write
Output buffer
Internal address bus
16 to A23