Your TF 461 as a printer
Your TF 461 as a printer
When you install Toolkit (see page 78),
you obtain useful applications with which
you can set and check your printer. You
can specify the directory at this point.
However, we recommend that you use the
default path.
• Click on OK
If you would also like to use the Toolkit
under Windows, you will have to insert a
program group and an icon. This section
of the setup procedure performs this task
for you.
• Click on OK
The setup procedure is complete.
• Click on OK
All drivers identified by the search result
and your specifications have now been
loaded and activiated. From now onwards,
you can operate your TF 461 as a printer.
Install Printer Toolkit
The Printer Toolkit is a set of useful PC utilities customized for your Color Inkjet
Printer. Choose Help for a description of the tools.
Once installation is complete, DOS users can type TOOLKIT from the prompt
to start the Printer Toolkit. Windows users can start the Printer Toolkit from the
Printer Toolkit icon.
Please confirm the path location where you want the Printer Toolkit installed and
choose OK, or choose SKIP to skip installation of the Printer Toolkit.
Path Location for the Printer Toolkit
F1 Help AltF4 Exit F10 Menu Bar
Microsoft Windows Location
If you have Windows and would like an icon added to the Windows desktop to start
the Printer Toolkit, choose OK.
If Windows is not stored at the location shown below, type the correct path and
choose OK.
Choose CANCEL if you don’t want to add a Windows icon for the Toolkit.
Windows path:
F1 Help AltF4 Exit F10 Menu Bar
Printer Setup Complete
Printer Setup is complete!
Don’t forget, if you installed the Toolkit on your hard drive, you can use it any time
you need it! It offers you a variety of tools you might find
handy for your printer.
To use the Toolkit:
Choose EXIT to end the Printer Setup Utility.
Reboot your computer to activate changes in your system files.
Type TOOLKIT at the DOS prompt.
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