Possible problems
Possible problems
TOSHIBA TF 831/861
UK Connection information
We declare, that TOSHIBA is using
mark in compliance with
EN 50 082-1, EN 55 022/B and
EN 60 950
This TOSHIBA Facsimile
Transceiver is intended for
connection to public
telecommunication services as
By using the cable described as
TEL LINE CABLE in the packaging
list of the instruction manual. This
cable plugs into the socket on the
left hand side of the TF 831/861
which is marked LINE and the
other end into the standard PSTN
analogue socket found in the UK.
This terminal equipment complies with
the following requirements:
Group 3 fax modem
Automatic call initiation
Storage of telephone numbers for
retrieval by a predetermined code
Automatic dialling
Automatic repeat attempts
Call progress monitor
Series connection facility
LD or MF dialling
Operation with or without dial tone
being present.
UK Connection information
Any other usage will invalidate
the approval of the apparatus if as
a result, it then ceases to conform
to the standards against which
approval was granted.