2.4 System Board 2 Troubleshooting
TECRA S1 Maintenance Manual 2-15
Table 2-2 Printer port LED boot mode status (2/3)
LED Status
Test Item
20H DEBUG_KEYB_SELFTEST_CTLR Send selftest command (AAH) to test Keyboard
control lor if o.k. return (55h)
21H DEBUG_KEYB_RESET_KEYBOARD Test Keyboard Control ler and initialize keyboard
22H DEBUG_POST_CHECK_CMOS_RAM Send test petten to Check CMOS Ram
Test Battery Fail & check CMOS X-SUM
24H DEBUG_HWIO_TEST_DMA_CTLRS Use DMA to copy data for Test the DMA controllers
25H DEBUG_HWIO_INIT_8237 Initialize 8237A Controller
26H DEBUG_POST_INIT_VECS Install and Iniitialize interrupt Vectors
27H DEBUG_RAM_QUICK_SIZE Enter memory protect mode,use change RAM bank to
do RAM Quick Sizing
28H DEBUG_RAM_PROT_ENTRY_1 Memory protected mode entered safely
29H DEBUG_RAM_SIZE_DONE Test the basic 640k ram,RAM test completed
2AH DEBUG_RAM_PROT_EXIT Protected mode exit successful
2BH DEBUG_CS_SHADOW_SETUP Shadow system and video BIOS to RAM if CMOS
requests shadowSetup Shadow
2CH DEBUG_VIDEO_EQUIP_INIT_INIT Going To Initialize 6845 CRT controllor
2DH DEBUG_VIDEO_BW_SEARCH Search For Monochrome Adapter
2FH DEBUG_VIDEO_SIGNON Signon messages displayed
30H DEBUG_OEM_CONFIG_KBD_CTL For special initialize of keyboard controllor
31H DEBUG_KEYB_PRESENT_TEST Test the keyboard controllor ,If Keyboard
32H DEBUG_KEYB_TEST_IRQ1 Clear keyboard buffer and sen keyboard command
to test Keyboard Interrupt
33H DEBUG_KEYB_TEST_CMD Send keyboard command to turn off keyboard LED
and Test some Keyboard Command Byte
34H DEBUG_RAM_FULL_TEST TEST memory procedure, for test,blank and
count all RAM
35H DEBUG_RAM_PROT_ENTRY_2 Eneter the memory protected mode for test all expand
36H DEBUG_RAM_TEST_DONE Test and blank all memory complete
37H DEBUG_RAM_PROT_EXIT_2 Switch the memory from Protected mode to real mode
38H DEBUG_KEYB_OUTPUT_PORT Disable A20 status for memory test finish
39H DEBUG_CS_CACHE_SETUP Setup Cache Controller
3AH DEBUG_HWIO_TEST_PERIODIC Check and test the timer 0 interrupt function is Working
3BH DEBUG_GEN_CHECK_RTC test for RTC ticking
3CH DEBUG_GEN_INIT_HARD_VECS Install and initialize the hardware vectors
3DH DEBUG_MOUSE_INIT Clear keyboard buffer for search and Init the Mouse
3EH DEBUG_KEYB_SET_LEDS_1 Send keyboard command to Update keyboard NUMLOCK status
special init of COMM and LPT ports