Pin No. Symbol Pin Name Function And Operation Remarks
interrupt input
External interrupt input pin.
When the interrupt facility is enabled and a pulse of 1.11
to 2.22 µs in duration is applied to this pin, an interrupt is
generated and the program jumps to address 1.
Input logic and the active edge (rise or fall) can be
selected for each interrupt input.
Also, the internal 8-bit timer clock can be chosen for this
interrupt input, in which case it is possible to count pulses
or generate an interrupt at a given pulse count
(address 3).
Since this pin is a Schmitt trigger type, it can be used as
an input port for receiving remote control signals, etc.
93 MXO ―
94 MXI
oscillator pins
Crystal oscillator pins for the controller.
The oscillator clock is used as the timebase for the clock
facility or as the controller's system clock. Connect a
4.5 MHz or 75 kHz crystal resonator to the MXO and MXI
pins. Since these pins do not contain internal feedback
resistors, etc, an amp resistor or output resistor must be
added external to the chip.
· 75 kHz··· ROUT = 100 kΩ, Rf = 10 MΩ
Ci = Co = 15 pF (typ.)
· 4.5 MHz··· ROUT = 0 Ω, Rf = 1 MΩ
Ci = Co = 15 pF (typ.)
When using the clock generated by the CD unit's crystal
oscillator for clocking the entire device operation, fix the
MXI pin to the GND level.
Oscillation is stopped by executing a CKSTP instruction.
Select the crystal oscillator and control its operation by a
Note 3: When after turning on the CD unit's power supply,
the controller system clock is switched from the
crystal oscillator on the controller side to that on
the CD side, provide an allowance time of several
10 ms for the CD unit's crystal oscillator to
stabilize after it is powered on. This is necessary
to prevent the controller from operating erratically.
19, 96 MV
20, 95 MV
Controller unit
power supply
Power supply pins.
Normally, apply a voltage of 4.5 to 5.5 V to V
In a backup state (when the CKSTP instruction executed),
the device's current consumption is reduced to 1 µA or
less, allowing for the supply voltage to be lowered to
2.0 V.
The device is reset and the program starts from address 0
when a voltage of 2.7 V or more is applied to this pin
when it is at 0 V (power-on reset).
Note 4: For reason of this power-on reset, make sure the
device's power supply rise time is between 10 to
100 ms.
97 COM1/OT1 ―
98 COM2/OT2 ―
99 COM3/OT3 ―
100 COM4/OT4
LCD common
/Output ports
Common signal outputs to the LCD panel. Up to 72
segments in a matrix with S1 to S18 can be displayed.
Three voltage levels MV
, V
(1/2 MV
), and GND
are output for 83 Hz period at 2 ms intervals.
After a system reset and after deassertion of a clock stop
instruction, the V
voltage is output and the DISP OFF
bit is set to 0 before common signals are output.
These pins can be switched for output ports by a program
(Note1). In this case, the buffer capacity can be increased
by setting the LEDon bit to 1, so that it can be used as an
LED driver. These four pins normally are used for LED
digit outputs.