User's Manual
Security lock A slot is available to attach a security cable to the com-
puter to deter theft.
USB FDD Kit A 3 1/2" diskette drive accommodates 1.44-megabyte or
720-kilobyte diskette. It connects to a USB port. (You
cannot format 720-kilobyte diskettes on Windows XP, but
you can use previously formatted disks.)
Wireless LAN Kit This option enbles wireless LAN functions in computers
that do not have wireless preinstalled. It is installed by
dealers only. Two types of Wireless LAN kit are prepared:
Wireless LAN Kit for IEEE 802.11 Standard (Revision B)
and Wireless LAN Kit for IEEE 802.11 Standard (Revision
A and B)
Slim Select Bay options
The following modules can be installed in the Slim Select Bay. The user can select
either a DVD-ROM drive, a CD-RW/DVD-ROM drive, a DVD-R/-RW drive, a DVD
Multi drive, a Slim Select Bay HDD adaptor or a TOSHIBA Style Bay Bridge media
adaptor, to be preinstalled as a standard device. All other modules are options.
DVD-ROM (Black) Refer to the Features section for details.
CD-RW/DVD-ROM Refer to the Features section for details.
DVD-R/-RW drive Refer to the Features section for details.
DVD Multi (Black) Refer to the Features section for details.
Slim Select Bay An adaptor lets you install an optional HDD described
HDD adaptor in Chapter 8, Optional Devices.
Hard disk drive You can increase your computer’s data storage capacity
with an additional 30 GB (27.94 billion bytes), 40 GB (37.26
billion bytes) and 60 GB (55.89 billion bytes) hard disk
drive in the Slim Select Bay HDD adaptor.
TOSHIBA Style Bay This adaptor lets you install an optional Bridge media
Bridge media adaptor (Memory Stick/Smart Media/Compact Flash memory)
adaptor described in Chapter 8, Optional Devices.