Table D-1 Scan codes (set 1 and set 2) (4/4)
Code set 1 Code set 2 Cap
Make Break Make Break
122 F11 57 D7 78 F0 78 *3
123 F12 58 D8 07 F0 07 *3
124 PrintSc *6 *6 *6 *6 *6
126 Pause *7 *7 *7 *7 *7
X Fn — — — — *4
X Win E0 5B E0 DB E0 1F E0 F0 1F
x App E0 5D E0 DD E0 2F E0 F0 2F
1. * Scan codes differ by mode.
2. * Scan codes differ by overlay function.
3. * Combination with the Fn key gives different codes.
4. * The Fn key does not generate a code by itself.
5. * This key corresponds to key No. 42 in a 102-key model.
6. * Refer to Table D-6, No. 124 key scan code.
7. * Refer to Table D-7, No. 126 key scan code.
Satellite L500 /Pro L500 Series Maintenance Manual