
Chapter2 Troubleshooting Procedures
Procedure 2 Debugging Port Check
Check the MiniPCI Debug board. The tool for debug port test is shown below.
Figure 2-2 A set of tool for debug port test
The test procedures are follows:
1. Replace Mini PCI debug port with Wireless LAN card, check LED in the Mini PCI
debug board
The following is a list of the Test Point codes written to port 80h at the start
of each routine, the beep codes issued for terminal errors, and a description
of the POST routine. Unless otherwise noted, these codes are valid for
Phoenix BIOS 4.0 Release 6.0.
NOTE: The following routines are sorted by their test point numbers were assigned in the
BIOS code. Their actual order as executed during POST can
Be quite different.
Code Beeps POST Routine Description
02h Verify Real Mode
03h Disable Non-Maskable Interrupt (NMI)
04h Get CPU type
06h Initialize system hardware
08h Initialize chipset with initial POST values
09h Set IN POST flag
0Ah Initialize CPU registers
0Bh Enable CPU cache
0Ch Initialize caches to initial POST values
0Eh Initialize I/O component
0Fh Initialize the local bus IDE
10h Initialize Power Management
11h Load alternate registers with initial POST values
12h Restore CPU control word during warm boot
13h Initialize PCI Bus Mastering devices
2-16 Satellite U400/Satellite Pro U400/PORTEGE M800 Maintenance Manual