User's Manual
Play/Pause and Stop buttons
A single button on a rocker controls the Play/Pause and Stop functions. Press
on the icon to select the desired function.
Play/Pause Press the icon to begin or pause play.
Stop Press the icon to stop play.
This section describes audio controls including sound levels and power manage-
Volume control
The Volume Control utility lets you control the audio volume in Windows for both
playback and recording.
❖ To launch Volume Control for playback, click Start, point to All Programs,
point to Accessories, point to Entertainment and click Volume Control.
❖ To launch Recording Control, click Options, point to Properties, choose
Recording and click OK.
❖ To view details of the Volume Control, click Help on the Volume Control.
Microphone level
The change the microphone gain, follow the steps below.
1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to Enter-
tainment and click Volume Control.
2. Click Options and select Advanced Controls.
3. Click Advanced.
4. Check the Microphone Boost checkbox.
Audio controller
The audio controller can be powered down when the audio function is idle. To
enable Audio Power Management, follow the steps below.
1. Click Start, point to All Programs, point to Accessories, point to Enter-
tainment and click Volume Control.
2. Double-click the SigmaTel Audio icon.