3 Diagnostic Programs 3.3Option
Report Destination
If selecting 'NONE', no log file will be generated; if selecting 'FILE', a log file with
the name specified in 'Log File Name' will be generated.
• Log Options
9 Log Errors
If selecting this parameter, errors will be recorded when the test fails.
9 Log Test Activities
If selecting this parameter, the subtest results will be recorded.
9 Log Test Start Time
If selecting this parameter, the start time of the test will be recorded.
9 Log Test End Time
If selecting this parameter, the end time of the test will be recorded.
9 Log Errors Only
If selecting this parameter, errors will be recorded only when the test fails.
9 Log Errors Only with Time
If selecting this parameter, errors and time will be recorded only when the test
9 Append to Old Log File
If selecting this parameter, the new log will be added to the old one.
Satellite/Satellite Pro L650/L655 Maintenance Manual