The volume control allows fine tuning of the volume settings on the IPR.
Volume Options:
• Slider Controls – Used to adjust the literal volume for the
respective devices listed.
• Mute Checkbox – Check the mute box to mute volume on
any of the device columns or check the Mute All checkbox to
mute all volume on the IPR.
The Surveillix IPR is capable of recording 1 channel of audio
• 8000 Hz playback in Live Mode
• Up to 48000 Hz playback in search mode
• Mono Sampling
DATA SIZE (Per channel)
• 1 Second: 1625 bytes
• 1 Minute: 97,500 bytes
• 10 Minute: 975,000 bytes
• 1 Hour: 5,850,000 bytes
• 1 Day: 140,400,000 bytes (Approx 140MB)
Click the Audio Capture Channels box to enable
recording and adjust the Gain to the desired level.