IPedge UG 06/11
Diagnostic Logging/
Clicking this button enables the Debug utility and have it show on the Main
Menu under Settings as well as provide an easy utility for sending all the
important information about Call Manager to assist Technical Support to help
diagnose any problems when necessary.
• Show Advanced Menu – Place a check in the box to enable the Tool tab
Advanced menu option. This needs to be enabled to capture events or
show call information when Call Manager is operating.
Note: The statement “TAPI SPI Logging: DISABLED” is the normal
indication and is provided to show Tech Support of the status of this
device. Tech Support will provide specific instructions for turning on
this setting.
• Uplink Debug Files Button – Click this button to access the screen for
creating a site name, a contact for the file transfer, and the changing of
any options for reporting a problem.
• Site Name – Before using the Uplink Debug Files button, a site name and
contact must to be selected. The site name is a unique identifier to make
it easier to find the log files for your site and typically, the contact should
be assigned “Any Tech Support” to ensure the log files are seen by
someone. Use a specific contact name once you are working with an
agent and they request you send the “Zip Log Files” to them.
• Description – It is highly recommended to write a description of the
problem including all pertinent details such as the conditions and
approximate time the incident occurred. These descriptions aid in
narrowing down where to look in the log files for the problem
• Options – Clicking the Options button opens a screen to provide options
for how the files are to be sent. The default and recommended option is to
“Send Directly to FTP Site”. As an option, when direct Internet access is
not available from that PC, the files can be zipped into smaller files, saved
on your PC in your Local Settings folder, typically “C:\Documents and
Settings\<user name>\Local Settings\Application Data\Toshiba\Call
Manager\Zip”. These files can then be e-mailed to.