n o p q r s t u v w
n Red LED indicator
ON: Receiver in power-on mode; OFF: Receiver in standby mode
o Four-digit LED display
- Shows “----” in standby mode
- Shows “
” when time information is not available
- Shows “
” when the receiver is switching from standby to power-on mode
- Shows the local time, channel number or “
” in power-on mode
- Momentarily shows the new video format when changing the video format setting
- Momentarily shows “
” or “ ” when switching the MODE in the rear panel
p Green LED indicator
ON: Signal captured; OFF: No signal or receiver in standby mode
q Orange LED indicator
ON: Receiver in AUX mode; OFF: Receiver in non-AUX mode
Note: The orange LED is on whenever the receiver is in AUX mode, regardless the receiver is on or
in standby mode. Please refer to AUX on page 43 for details.
r MENU button
Activate the On Screen Menu
s EXIT button
Exits from the Main Menu or returns to the Main Menu from submenu
t ENTER button
Select the highlighted menu or submenu item
u Directional buttons
- Move the selection focus on the screen
- Left and right buttons for increasing and decreasing audio volume
- Up and down buttons for channel up and down functions
v V.FORMAT button
Toggles among “PAL” (for MODE-Switch being set to YP
only), “AUTO”, “1080i”, “720p”, and
“576p” video output formats.
w STANDBY/ON button
Toggles the receiver between power-on and standby modes