Quick Tour
Menu options
Movie Resolution
FHD (1080i 60) 1920 x 1080i (60fps)
FHD (1080p 30) 1920 x 1080p (30fps)
HD (720p 60) 1280 x 720p (60fps)
HD (720p 30) 1280 x 720p (30fps)
VGA (4:3) 640 x 480
Picture resolution
High (16 MP) 4608 x 3456 (16 M pixels)
Standard (10 MP) 3644 x 2748 (10 M pixels)
Low (3 MP) 2048 x 1536 (3 M pixels)
White Balance
Auto Automatic adjustment
Daylight Use under outside lighting conditions
Fluorescent Use under fluorescent lighting conditions
Tungsten Use under tungsten lighting conditions
Auto Shoot with no special effect on the image
Skin Makes skin tones appear more natural
Night Use Night mode for night scenes or low light conditions
GMAA00221011.book Page 9 Friday, March 26, 2010 12:20 PM