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2.6 Limitations on reception print
The following limitations are imposed on reception print.
1) Reception print is not performed from the SFB.
2) Even if the ADU is installed, it cannot be used.
3) When illegal paper is selected and printed on due to an operator mistake, the completion of printout
is assumed and no printout is performed again.
4) The feed length of a received document is not limited. That is, printing is performed even if the
received document has several lines for printing. However, if the top lines are less than 5 lines, no
printing takes place. This also applies to multiple pages in divided print.
5) Paper of the same size is present in multiple drawers, printing takes place according to the following
drawer priority.
Order Drawer
1 Drawer selected by code 480 in system mode
2 1st drawer
3 2nd drawer
4 3rd drawer
5 4th drawer