
Guide Specification 3-Phase Static Uninterruptible Power Supply
If the bypass source is beyond the conditions stated below, interrupted transfer shall be
made upon detection of a fault condition.
Bypass voltage greater than + 10%, -10% from the UPS rated output voltage.
Bypass frequency greater than + 1 Hz from the UPS rated output frequency.
5.4.2 Overload Capacity in Bypass:
Continuous duty : 125% of the system rated capacity
Overload duty : 1000% of ampere rating for 1 cycle.
5.4.3 Retry function:
When an internal warning has been detected, power flow will automatically switch from
the main circuit (inverter) to the bypass circuit without interruption to the load. If the
internal warning is cleared, UPS will automatically switch the power flow from the
bypass circuit to the main circuit (inverter) without interruption.
5.5 Metering, Monitoring, Alarms, and Controls
5.5.1 Status Indicators
The Front Panel shall include LED status indicators for the following states:
Load on Inverter
Battery Operation
Load on Bypass
LCD Fault
UPS Fault
5.5.2 EPO (Emergency Power Off) Button
The Front Panel shall have an Emergency Power Off button (EPO) located on the front
panel that, when pressed, will shut down the UPS.
5.5.3 Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) Touch Panel
The Front Panel shall include a LCD touch panel that shall provide performance data,
statistics, and operating conditions. The following metering will be displayed on LCD
touch panel:
AC Input Voltage
AC Input Frequency
AC Output Voltage
AC Output Current
AC Output Frequency
Battery DC Voltage
Battery DC Current
AC Bypass Voltage
AC Bypass Frequency