90 Network Operator’s Guide — TopAccess Errors
HDD full error Ask the sender to resend the Email by
separating it to several Emails. If this
error occurs because the paper empty
occurs and too much waiting jobs are
stored in the hard disk, add the paper
to activate other jobs.
HDD full alert Ask the sender to resend the Email by
separating it to several Emails. If this
error occurs because the paper empty
occurs and too much waiting jobs are
stored in the hard disk, add the paper
to activate other jobs.
Interrupt partial Email reception Ask your administrator to enable the
Enable Partial Email setting and ask
the sender to resend the Email.
Partial Email disabled Ask your administrator to enable the
Enable Partial Email setting and ask
the sender to resend the Email.
3B10-3B12 Email format error Ask the sender to resend the Email.
Context-Type error Ask the sender to resend the Email
with attached files that are the TIFF
Invalid character set Ask the sender to resend the Email in
the ISO-8559-1/2 format.
3B40-3B42 Email decode error Ask the sender to resend the Email.
TIFF analysis error Ask the sender to resend the Email
with attached files that are the TIFF
TIFF compression error Ask the sender to resend the Email
with attached TIFF files in the MH,
MR, MMR, or JBIG compression.
TIFF resolution error Ask the sender to resend the Email
with attached TIFF files whose reso-
lution is either 200x100, 200x200,
200x400, 300x300, or 400x400 dpi.
TIFF paper size error Ask the sender to resend the Email
with attached TIFF files that can be
printed on the paper available for this
Offramp transmission error Ask the sender to specify the correct
fax numbers and resend the Email.
Offramp security error Confirm that specified fax numbers
are registered in the address book of
the equipment. If not, register the fax
numbers in the address book and ask
the sender to resend the Email with
correct fax numbers.
Error Code Cause Corrective Action